

Legal Aspects of Conservation Easements: A Primer for Transportation Agencies by Tara D. Allden, Esq., Tyson Smith, Esq., AICP, Ross Appel, Esq., prepared for the Transportation Review Board, to be published Spring 2013. Biocenosis partnered with White & Smith Planning and Law Group to write this Primer funded by the Transportation Review Board.

Expansion of the Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Chatham County  On behalf of the Chatham Conservation Partnership, the Triangle Land Conservancy (TLC) contrChatham Co. Watershed Protectionacted Biocenosis to incorporate additional natural resources, including agricultural and drinking water resources, into the Comprehensive Conservation Plan (Conservation Plan) for Chatham County.  Learn more….

Robeson Creek Watershed Committee Coordination and Stewards Program  Biocenosis co-coordinates the Robeson Creek Watershed Council (RCWC) with the NCSU Water Quality Group.  Learn more….

Mapping support for local nonprofits Biocenosis is committed to supporting the work of local nonprofits in their efforts to promote and protect natural resources.  As part of this commitment, we provide mapping services at a reduced cost to nonprofits. Learn more….

Identification and mapping of BMP sites for Tick Creek Watershed, Chatham County, NC  Biocenosis assisted the NC State University Watershed Education for Communities and Officials (WECO) in the identification of potential agricultural best management practice (BMP) sites in the Tick Creek/Rocky River Watershed for their work with Chatham County to address the sources of water quality impairment in this rural watershed. Biocenosis provided the needed GIS data for the documentation of the parcels for the BMP sites. Learn more….

Haw River Land Stewards  Biocenosis assisted the Elon University Center for Environmental Studies in providing environmental education and outreach to owners of lands adjacent to the Haw River.  Learn more….

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